So, following Richard´s Phrases we´re pleased to say the next one: Tom Chaplin; the singer with a golden voice... and jacket! Have fun.

1."There's no greater sight than singing Bend & Break & seeing a girl out in the middle of the crowd with her t*@$ out standing on someones shoulders"
2.(In Argentina)"Nos vemos prrrronto Buenos Aires!"
3.Top of the pops, when Tom asked what his best friends from school were doing now, he replied "They're on Top of the Pops with me!"
4.(About Tim or Rich)Ed: If you could only save one, which one would you save?
Tom: If I could save one, I'd save neither".
5."Maybe when we're middle-aged and happy we'll start churning out crap records, but as long as we've got that youthful confrontation, we'll hopefully keep making great ones."
6."Believe it or not, I quite like reading poetry. I have Sylvia Plath's Ariel in my bathroom, which is one of my favourite books of all time. It's only got about 15 poems in it, but - and this is going to sound terrible - every time I go to the bog I read one. They never get boring and they're so inspiring: so angry and hard. Her take on the world was totally unique. And she probably keeps me regular."
7."I think one of the reasons why Paris Hilton mentioned us as one of her main influences is because we're the only band that she can actually pronounce"
8."We used to have baths together when we were kids and we used to have this thing called 'The Foam Factory'. Me and Tim's brother would sit at the front kinda furiously making foam and Tim would just sit at the back of the bath covered in these foam bubbles like a self-styled King of the Bubbles!"
9.(About Tim)“We only have to drive past a piano shop and he’ll wake up. It’s the scent you see. Like a Basset hound that one.”
10.Tom: No we did name it after someone we knew when we were little.. A little old lady, called Cherry Keane..
Crowd: Aaaawwwww!
Tom: ... Rock 'n' rooooooooooll!!!!!
11.Tom: It's the angelic face.. it hides a mean spirited person.
Steve Lamacq: Warm face, cold heart, that's what I'm saying
12.Cherry Keane was a friend who used to look after us and occasionally helped at the school. She was an inspirational person. I'd tell her that I wanted to be a singer and she'd say, 'Go for it,' whereas my Mum and Dad told me 'That's stupid'.
13.Q: Do you guys have a before-gig ritual?
Tom: When people see our show they're often surprised by how energetic and exciting it is to look at. So by the end of eight weeks on the road we'll be old men with stiff necks and bad backs. It's mostly just lots of limbering up and stretching. It looks like a 1930's gym class
14.Q: What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you on stage?
Tom: Things happen nightly, but nothing tragic yet. I have the unenviable task of saying things to the crowd and sometimes that can backfire. You say the wrong thing in the wrong place. During "This is the Last Time," one of our more emotive ballads, I was prancing around the stage trying to look very thoughtful and I backed myself into Richard's drum kit, right at the high point of emotion. And Tim (Rice-Oxley) regularly bangs his head on the piano."
15.Q: What's the creepiest thing a fan's ever done to you?
Tom: [Laughs]. A very strange teddy bear. It was hand-made and didn't quite look like a bear. It looked more like a voodoo doll and it stank of some strange old person's perfume.
16.(In Buenos Aires, Argentina) "This city fucking rocks!"
17.Interviewer: Any good road feuds with other bands?
Tom: We supposedly had a fe.ud with The Darkness last year. We somehow got in their dressing room and saw that they were clearly fans of vodka. We toyed with the idea of emptying all the bottles out and filing them with water and resealing them, but we never managed to do that. I've lived to regret that.
18.Q: What do picture as being hell?
Tom: To be a vegetarian
19.What's the nicest thing you've ever done for someone else?
Tom: Flew to New Zealand to surprise a friend of mine, who I haven't seen for two years. Turned up on his doorstep, woke him up and asked him what was for breakfast. Was he surprised? Yes.
20.- Do you have a Keane shower curtain at home?
Tom: I don't, although I'm actually getting my whole bathroom replaced, so maybe I should get one. I do have a Keane ashtray at home. It's a Mexican bootleg from when we played over there. Hmm, maybe we should think of more Keane products to kit out my whole house. Keane soap maybe? Keane duvet covers? Although, saying that, as much as I love being in Keane, people might think that it was a bit odd if they came round and the place was full of Keane merchandise. Perhaps I should just stick to the ashtray.
21.- What is the magic number?
Tom: 28 is my very unlucky number and has been since I was a child, cropping up in all sorts of ways. Worse still I'm 28 at the moment so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed for another 10 months.
22.Was My birthday on saturday. Slightly depressed about nearing 30. Last time I checked I was a teenager
Special thanks to Keane Argentina, again. Without that forum, this posts wouldn´t be here...