london / sunday / 0511
my cats are confused, wondering what the hell i am doing up so early.
i've had Anna and Charlotte's third blog in my bag for a few days now, and it's time i put it up, so here you all go. look forward to the final chapter soon...
Travel tales from Melbourne to Sydney
On reflection the “GO saver fare” $2 plus taxes, was probably the wrong flight choice. Check in at 5.15am post Melbourne gig night, still hyped, the master plan was to go from our hotel to the airport and “sleep”. We can confirm zero shut eye was achieved, but some 4am airport photos were captured - Exhibit A:

We took the double decker tube train from the airport into Sydney, which was quite a travel experience. No doubt we blended seamlessly in with the commuters with our massive ruck sacks (day bags/carry on luggage) and trolley bags, plus the additional ruck sacks purchased to fit all our souvenirs (TAT) that has been purchased.
Sydney greeted us with a beautiful sunny & warm day. Factor 50 applied. We sat and enjoyed Hyde Park in the Sydney sunshine, before wandering to the venue and met up with yet more enthusiastic Keane-starved fans.

Metro Gig Night One - Friday 17th April 09:
The universal symbol for toilets - the golden arches - was right next to the venue, however, it is not every day the interior looks like this:

The most freezing venue we have experienced, air con clearly stuck on -15, but the warmest of crowds (LOL!) The Ivys cranked it up and performed a good set, a hometown gig we believe.
With much excitement from the crowd Sydney welcomed Keane and greeted them with note for note renditions from start to finish. Tom enjoyed a stage dive (gazelle-like) during Perfect Symmetry. NB: Keane crew looked a bit shocked and worried. Awwww... it was brilliant.
We thought the UTIS songs really went down a storm, NIMW, IIAW and CB all bringing the house down. Too soon it was Bedshaped. The crowd was left wanting more, and 5 mins of shouting and cheering continued, to no avail. We left happy.
Saturday 18th April 09:
7.30am at the Harbour Bridge - first climbers of the day, against all odds we arrived on time. It really is a “must do” in your lifetime, the views are spectacular, and you feel totally safe. We had excellent weather and could see for miles. Sadly no cameras are allowed but we did pay $65 for 4 “stunners of us” (we decided that these were for our eyes only - clearly working the woolly hat boiler suit look to the max).
Metro Gig Night Two
A complete LEGEND of a gig. Leaving So Soon and Strangers were great new additions to the set, we love the fact that the band keep mixing it up. After another stonking performance, tonight was the night for something special to happen - a second encore! Thank you Sydney for making it possible. We stood with jaws open wide, and tears in our eyes as the band stormed through an awe-inspiring performance of Under Pressure. They made two ladies extremely happy. Celebrity spot - Ronan Keating leaving the building.

We leave Sydney having met some wonderful people, and memories that will go on a lifetime. We HEART Sydney.
Sunday 19th April 09
Woke to glorious sunshine, and headed to Circular Quay - Sydney Opera House. Then took the ferry across to Manly, bit choppy in the middle, but well worth it. Manly is a surfers paradise, with stunning views of the city from North Head.

Anna & Charlotte