Day 11
God how I hate flying. I don't know what happened with our landing today but I get the distinct impression that the pilot missed the runway and had to swing round for another go. Urgh.
We arrive to something of a crowd-control issue at Buenos Aires airport, and we have a fight on our hands to get to the vans without losing any items of clothing.
Frankly, it's brilliant fun and feels a little bit like being in The Beatles. No one is ever rude or aggressive - just massively enthusiastic and pleased to see us. Fab.
Our favourite restaurant in Buenos Aires beckons. They have a picture of us on the wall in there, which is very cool indeed. We eat steak and watch the football. The legend of Maradona seems to hang over everything in this town.
Day 12
Q magazine are here to cover the Argentina show. It's the biggest of the tour - about 18,000 - and the only outdoor show.
Spend the day doing some quite strange interviews - one where someone kept turning the lights off from outside and leaving us sat in pitch darkness with an increasingly nervous journalist, and another where we had to do a multiple-choice Green Card-style interrogation, sample question: "Richard, when Tom got a new guitar recently, what was the first thing he did with it? (a) put it on ebay, (b) put a big dent in it, (c) give it to Pete Doherty?" Who cares?
A little nervous before the show, so I turn my minimal guitar skills to a rendition of Arcade Fire's Wake Up, with rousing backing vocals from the rest of the gang. Far off, a dog howls.
Really incredible show tonight. A crowd that big singing their hearts out under the stars on a balmy night is a very special thing. Think I lost about a stone in sweat, but we played really well, apart from my obligatory Les Dawson-style clanger in Perfect Symmetry.
On returning to the hotel was given a letter by a fan that ends by thanking us for writing songs that "protest against everything that harms our world". What a truly lovely thing to say.