This is going to be all for today. But tomorrow we´ll add The TTR Phrases, so don´t worry! Now, we´re very pleased to add the phrases from Tim Rice-Oxley, songwritter and brain of Keane. Don´t forget you can check out Tom´s Phrases and Richard´s! Hope you like it...

1.(About Tom)"When I first met him he was like 'waaa!'. Not a huge amount of development..."
2."Sometimes Tom just has to be punished."
3."I see it as my mission to make the piano just as much of an icon as the guitar".
4."It's very good. My opinion is that we rock and that all of our awards present and future are well deserved".
5.Radio 1 - "Monday papers are usually empty with gossip, so finally we want something that nobody else knows about Keane, something that would make the papers tomorrow. Something juicy."
Tim - "Tom sleepwalks in a very amusing way occasionally. He's been known to wake up in hotel lobbies in his pants"
6.“I remember the only night we could afford to stay in a B&B (Bed and Breakfast)— rather than sleeping on people’s floors — was in Northampton. Tom and I slept in one bed, Richard in the other."
7.What's some of the weirdest stuff fans have given you?
I got a teddy bear with a recorded message in it. If you pressed its foot, it talked to you or something, and someone had prerecorded a happy birthday message to me, which was, you know, very sweet actually, very kind. But you sort of say, "What am I gonna do with that?" I also seem to be getting lots of biscuits.
I mentioned in an interview once that I liked a particular brand of biscuits — you know, cookies. And I get given them wherever I go around the world. If I ate all of the biscuits I was given, I would weigh several tons. That's kind of strange, actually. Wherever I am in the world, I have a reliable supply of this particular type of biscuit.
What's the brand?
They're called Hobnobs, but don't print that or I'll just get more. I already got more than I could eat.
8."How old were you when you wrote your first song? What was it about?"
Tim: When I was about 12 I got really into writing songs for the first time, although they were pretty dreadful! The earliest one I can remember was a sort of cheesy disco number, and the lyrics were utterly mindless cliches about unrequited love, I think. If I remember rightly the chorus went, "You know I love you baby/But you can't be here with me/If you were then you would see/That I am better than he." Woeful. That was before the band. Things got much better once we were playing together, because we were all writing and pushing each other to write better stuff. Some of the early songs from about '96, '97, '98, that sort of period, are pretty decent really - 'Captain Planet', 'Gingerbread', 'High Time', 'Melodrama', 'Less Is More' are a few that spring to mind. We should put them all out on a Beatles-style anthology one day...with some sort of "Warning: These songs may be shit" sticker on the front.
9."Have you ever hurt yourself during a show? You all do some serious rocking out!"
Tim: I've yet to sustain any serious injury. Although I'm worried about my neck, because I do tend to get carried away once the adrenalin's flowing and do a lot of head-banging. I managed to smash my head into the piano during 'Bend And Break' once, which was pretty painful and left me reeling for a minute. I also hammer the piano keys very hard (I often break strings, which on a piano is quite an achievement!), and I sometimes cut my fingers. Once a cut starts bleeding onto the white keys, it just keeps bleeding and spreading as I'm playing. That can look fabulously gory, even though it's only actually a small cut. Probably the only really painful injury I've had playing was when we were filming the video for 'Is It Any Wonder?' a couple of months ago. The camera was mounted on a little train of three fairly hefty cars, and as it zoomed around the track it had to pass through my legs once on each lap. I was getting lost in performing and I kept forgetting when the camera was approaching, so a couple of times it came crashing into my shins, which was inordinately painful and left some suitably messy gashes. Other than that, so far so good!
10."When was the last time that you told a lie?"
Tim: I very, very rarely tell lies. Partly because it always comes back to bite you one way or the other, and partly because the guilt just gnaws away at me until I come clean! I don't like having any secrets. Anyway, I can't remember any decent lies I've told lately. Actually, I've just remembered one, but I'm not telling...
11.It must be nice with no guitar god competing on stage, Tim...
Tim: I want to be the center of attention. I vetoed any other members at an early stage. We used to have a guitarist, many years ago. [Nefariouseyebrow arch] We had him ''disappeared.''
12.- You guys played SNL with Paris Hilton last year. That must have been kind of weird.
Tim: Obviously, we're great admirers of her work. She's a true talent, a Grace Kelly for our age. And I basically have three enduring memories of that experience. First, her stupid little dog kept running into our dressing room and we kept on booting it out, and second, she had a man, a security guard, whose only job was to carry her dog around. The other one was that she was completely unable to pronounce the name of our band. They had to dress-rehearse, like, six times: ''Ladies and gentlemen, Keanie!'' Just on and on. I mean, there's no reason she should know who we are, but it's not that difficult. And at the end, when we had the big sort of group hug, in my attempt to be kind of cool about the thing, I trod on her foot.
- She has enormous feet, though. She's like a size 11, so maybe you were three or four feet away from her and stepped on her foot.
Tim: Well, maybe that's what threw me. I thought there was an alligator running across the floor.
13.(Leaving Buenos Aires)"A crowd of fans are still camped outside the hotel after three days even as we finally head off on the tour bus. We're going to miss Argentina that's for sure."
Thanks to Keane Argentina.