Mornin´ everyone. There are a couple of things going on with the Keane world. So, welcome to another Kma exclusive post! Today, we´re going to talk about the Keane Forum, wich has a lot of things to check out...
Note: You have to be a member to view the topics. You´re not a member? Then, click here.
Here are a couple of exciting sub-forums, check them out:
- Jesse Quin: Creating a monster - Keanemx Interview
A funny interview to Mr Jesse Quin, coming soon on Kma, also.
- Keane & K´naan collaboration...
As we said here, Keane has been collaborating with this guy called K´naan, your disscusions, there.
-Sanna Annuka
Who is this person? Well, she actually is the magnificent person that made the `Under The Iron Sea´ album artwork. Your thoughts of her, there.
-New Dvd? What about...
Keane are making a DVD coming soon this year. Many people have seen them with cameras and the necesary equipment on Argentina. But that´s not all... Enter there for more info!
-Keane Live in 3D
On April 2º, Keane made history with the first live broadcast on 3D. Your oppinions, disscusions and whatever you want to know, there. And by the way, check out the 3D wecast by clicking here.
-How Did You Discovered Keane?
Here is a enjoyable topic. The title says all, what else can we add? Check it out!
-Your Ideas for a Better Than This Video...
Here is a curious sub-forum also. As there is not an `official´ Better Than This video, here you can give your ideas... But remember, up to now, this is the official vid. Again, hope we are wrong!
As well this are some of the topics, there are LOTS MORE! Check them out, they´re awesome! Working on the Keanemx interview with Jesse right now...