As promised yesterday, TTR (Tom,Tim,Rich) phrases are now added to Keane Music Argentina. After this post, we´ll be adding a couple of video interviews. Anyway, here it is: TTR Phrases, Three Friends getting a trip...
1.Ed Roe: In a scale of one to ten, how much do you love Tim?
Tim:"I want an eleven out of ten. Because I'm sooooo sexy."
Tom: My love for Tim goes up to eleven.
2.Richard: (about Tom) "Give him a strobe light and he's dancing like a ... butterfly."
Tom: "Like a moth to a flame."
3.Have any of you ever wet your beds?
Rich: (Looking bewildered) I'm sure I wet the bed when I was little. It's a question for my mother.
Tim: Probably. Almost certainly. I remember being ill once when I was very little. I decided to go in my mum and dad's room and say, "Is it alright if I get in your bed and sleep with you for a bit because I'm not feeling very well." Ten seconds later, I was spewing horribly upwards into the ether all over the bed as my poor parents were trying to get to sleep.
Rich: So you've 'vommed' the bed?
Tom: I remember wetting the bed once when I was dreaming that I was a horse! (Barely audible above the laughter) I don't know why that'd make a difference!
4.Rich: Well last time we played at T in the Park, someone was arrested for bitting people during one of our songs
Jo Whiley (pointing at Tim): That was him yea?
Rich: Tim was bitting his piano
Tim: Like a rabbid dog..... thats obviously the effect we have in people which is great!
5.Jo Whiley (asking Tom): So you have forgotten the words at times?
Rich: Many times I'll say.
Tim: That's the great thing about live music I mean I make literally probably a hundreds of horrible mistakes on the piano and I dont think anyone really hears.
Jo Whiley: Is amazing you're successful really.
6.Interviewer (to Tim): "You're not just playing the piano which kind of astonished me. Because at the beginning, when I first listened to the CD, I thought, well Tom is the one who sings and wrote the lyrics, and then I found out it's you, right?"
Tim: "Yes, it is. I'm sort of like … a kind of a 'child genius' but without being a child… or a genius."
Rich: "Tim also, and, you know, you might want to sit down for this, he also plays the bass guitar on the record, and all the keyboard parts and probably did some of the programming on it as well. What else did you do?"
Tim: "Nothing"
Rich: "You lazy idiot!"
Interviewer: "So you are the star in the band?"
Rich: "Yeah"
Tom: "What?!"
Tim: "Well, yeah. I'm planning of going to Hollywood and become an actor, so…."
Tom: "He can actually sing as well."
Rich: "He does sing on… yeah that's true… singing on the album as well."
Tom: "It's pretty depressing really for me. What's left?"
Interviewer: "Well, nothing. Maybe you can sell the posters and the t-shirts."
Tom: "Yeah, exactly. Maybe I could just do a crew job, except I don't really know how anything works, so..."
Rich: "Or indeed what work is."
some heavy seconds of silence… … …
Tom: "Woah! Cruel! That hurts…."
7.Interviewer: Where does your big singing voice come from?
Tom: I dunno, not from my parents that's for sure. They can't sing for their lives.
Tim: Maybe they're not your parents...
8.About Elton being a fan of Tim's:
Tom - "He thinks Tim looks very pretty when he plays the piano apparently. Which is true."
Tim- "I am flattered. I'm not saying anything bad about that, because you've got to take what you can get at my age."
9.Tim "I once ate two whole bags of crisps"
Rich: "Did you make yourself sick after?"
Edith: "Did you mix your crisps (flavours)?"
Tim: "I did, but I'm a man - I can take my crisps - thats rock and roll"
10.From a vh1 promo:
Rich: We're british!
Tom: We have accents!
Tim: ... and we're extremly charming!
11.JR: That's Richard there, you're Tom, and you're Tim yeah?
Tim: mhm.
JR: You not speaking today?
Tim: I don't know..
JR: Speak out, feel free to join in, I just felt like you'd been bullied or something. I thought maybe that's how the group dynamics work.
Rich: Tim's moody. In the corner.
JR: Are you moody Tim?
Tim Um no?
JR: Seems perfectly nice to me.. Are you two brothers?
Tim: Who?
JR: You two, Richard and Tim. You look very similar.
Rich: It's the glasses.
JR: It's the glasses, I'm easily fooled. No, facially you look quite similar as well!!
Tim: It's the stubble!
JR: Don't keep making excuses, just accept the fact that you look quite similar!!!
12.There are some people on the Keane message board who report about "Keane dreams". Did you ever dream something especially surrealistic or crazy about you performing?
Tim: All the time! We always refer to them as gig nightmares. I used to have them all the time. I guess I'm a bit more used to playing live now. I had one the other day where I sat down to play a gig and the computer that we have with the bass wasn't turned on, and someone had unplugged all the wires from the piano, the computer and all the sound stuff. So I was running around, we were supposed to be starting, Tom had announced a song, I think it was Bedshaped, and everyone was waiting for the song to start, and I was running around trying to plug all the wires in, and then I had to plug 2 wires together, but they they wouldn't join together and it was just impossible to join the piano. So yeah… I have that kind of thing all the time.
The other one that we all have is when we go on stage and decide to play a song but none of us knows how it goes. When we do a cover version of something and we know a little bit of it and then we can't remember the rest of it. So yes… a lot of bad dreams…
No good ones?
Tim: Occasionally.
Or do you just dream about the bad things and let the good ones happen?
Tim: Probably. I don't think I dream as much as I used to actually, which is quite sad. But I had a dream that I was keeping Tom captive in a little stone hut and he was dressed in a gorilla costume, and I had him chained to a post with a big chain on him and he was sort of running around but of course he was like one of those dogs that's chained to a post and he could only walk around in a circle.
Poor Tom!
Tim: Yes… I'm cruel really… but sometimes Tom has to be punished (Grins). Yes… that's my strange dreams.
Tom: Well, I had a dream in black and white once, where I was giving a lecture to the Beatles on how to write songs, which is very strange … I suppose it was from watching old films of the Beatles or looking at photos. In my dream, I obviously was a very important and brilliant songwriter, because the Beatles were coming to my lecture. It just was very cool, walking through a field with the Beatles and then arriving at this building in the middle of nowhere in the countryside somewhere ending up giving them a lecture. I'd like to know what I said in my lecture, because I can't really remember that bit. But I mean I have all sorts of strange dreams.
Keane Argentina, thanks again to the forum and to all the people who are there!