tokyo / friday / 1749
brisbane was a lot of fun. i left my camera at the hotel so borrowed jesse's and took a couple of pics that i'll upload as soon as i get them.
this place was opposite the studio in brisbane:

here are a few more pics from sydney. we spent the last day in a studio trying to get the tracks we've done with k'naan finished. lots of bass, piano and vocals. tim seems to enjoy dreaming up backing vocals that are ridiculously high, so we had soon shredded our voices. the tracks are sounding great. not sure what we're going to do with them yet, but it's really good to just be doing them for music alone, and we'll worry about the rest of it later.
tom and i went to see steve coogan in the evening - a very amusing trip through several of his comic creations, and we caught up with him after for a few drinks. he's a lovely man, and has a few good magic tricks up his sleeve too.
the world's most famous harbour?


can't beat a sign with a double meaning!