And, if you read this interviews, you might asked yourself: "Where the hell are Jesse´s phrases?" Well, here they are, they´re just a couple, but they are awesome.
- Keanemx: Why the name of Jesse Quin and the Mets?
Jesse: When I was growing up my Dad used to always tell that’s what I should call my band. So I did!
- Keanemx: What do you feel was your most important contribution during the recording process of Perfect Symmetry?
Jesse: The humour. I just bought ALL of the great jokes.
- Keanemx: What do you think of Keane fans?
Jesse: Full of passion.
- Keanemx: It's been over a year since you started playing with the band. How do you think your performance has evolved from standing on one spot during the first shows, to rocking the ego ramp in the UK tour?
Jesse: Well the hardest thing from my perspective is knowing how much to rock out. I’m not a member of Keane, I’m a session musician. So it’s important I’m not too obvious. Usually session musicians stand at the back and you don’t notice them too much but with Keane, because there are only three of them it would probably look a bit strange if I just stood at the back. Also, Tim and Richard can’t run around. So it probably helps if I do a little bit so the stage is more exciting. Either way, it’s very difficult to stand still when you’re on stage in front of thousands of people with loud music in your ears! They encourage me to run down the ramp and rock out and stuff. They’re creating a monster!
- Keane Backline: Was it a daunting prospect to step up from working behind the scenes to going on-stage at the Warchild and Mencap shows in 2007? You've obviously played with numerous bands, but Keane is probably the most widely known, playing to the largest audiences. How did the idea of getting you to play bass live for those shows first come about?
Jesse: Well, I remember being pretty nervous. I had to play on Under Pressure and the bass part is one of the main musical hooks so I knew if I fucked it up I'd be in trouble!