Hello there. Today we´ve got an exclusive for you... We are very pleased to add a new feature to our blog: THΞ PHRΛSΞS. But what is this? Just a couple of words from Tom, Tim and Rich. They´re really funny :) And today we´ll begin with Mr. Richard Hughes: thin, tall and drummer. Enjoy!

1."Don't hit people, hit drums"
2."Is that supposed to be on fire?!"
3.Richard is talking about the moment during their tour with U2, when Bono, Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow asked if they could come in Keane's dressing room:"You'd never say, No. Piss off, I'm watching a bit of telly. You want to say, Do what you like. It's your ******* tour, mate."
4.(About Tom):"The thought of giving the noisiest person you know a microphone doesn't sound like a great idea"
5."A service station in the UK is just this place full of huge piles of total crap - you wonder who buys it, but in the States it’s exotic crap, and we end up spending hours comparing what we’ve bought."
6."I seem to forget things, conversations I've had and people's names."
7."But (the museum) was closed it was Monday! I would like to complain about museums being shut on a Monday! Why on a monday? In respect of what? Mondays? Whatever, it's fine. Anyway I tried to go to the Rodin, I couldn't go to the Rodin museum and that's a tragedy. So next time we're there, I'm gonna go and if they won't let me in I'm gonna break in! I'll climb over the fence."
8.As we set off back towards the hotel Rich revealed that “The Paranoia” had set in… Richards’s hotel room is on the 7th floor. Last night he sat up in bed until about 4am, fearful that he was going to sleepwalk.
Rich: “What if I stepped out onto the balcony and jumped off it in my sleep? What would stop me? Alex there is nothing to stop me jumping!?!”
Alex: “Do you sleepwalk a lot Rich?”
Richard looked at me as if I was trying to catch him out. He arched his eyebrow, “Err… no never. Not as far as I know…”
Alex: “Well you should be alright then. I wouldn’t worry about it.”
Rich (increasingly manic): “But how would I know? How would I know, that I know, that I know, that I know, that I don’t? You know? I might be sleep walking every night and I just don’t know it. My WHOLE life. How often do I get a room with a balcony eh? Not often so anything could happen...”
Alex: “Well what do you want to do about it?”
Rich (eyes widening): “Last night I pushed all the furniture in the room against the balcony doors. I figured that if I barricaded myself in well enough I’d be ok. Also I reckon that I’d be sure to wake up if I was sleeping y’know? I mean if I had to shift all that stuff out of the way to get on the balcony to throw myself off – I’d be making a lot of noise and stuff, I reckon I’d wake up. I need to set up obstacles Lakey. Otherwise I’ll have to see if I can’t get a room on the ground floor from now on…”
9.(About Tom and Tim)"Luckily I don't mind being surrounded by carnivores." -Remember, he is vegetarian-
10.Radio: Where else do you find a similarity with U2?
Rich: Good looking drummers?
11."Forming a band at public school is challenging. If there's no bat and ball involved, you're seen as borderline insane."
12.What's the strangest situation you've found yourselves in over the past year?
Rich: Swapping shoelaces with a fan at the Forum gig in Kentish Town. Or any television stuff. That's all really weird and I don't think were really comfortable on TV. It's certainly better when we can play. We had a German presenter who was talking about marrying us for our money. That was quite odd.
13.You must have some stories that have made you think: ''How did we get here?.''
Rich: I came of stage at Live8 and i was in this adrenalin-fuelled ''Did that really just happen?'' state, and i heard this voice say: ''well done!'' it was a really familiar voice and i looked up and saw Sir Paul McCartney with his hand out. I shook his hand and screeched ''Oh my god!'' in the most ridiculous Chantelle pitched voice. He'd been at the side of the stage singing along!
14.Between songs he manages to communicate with the fans with local phrases (having written them out phonetically first.) “Why do you always turn to me and Tim and beam at us after you talk in Portuguese?” Hughes asks later that night, “when we have no idea what you’ve just said. For all we know it could be: ‘Look out for my solo album in the shops just as soon as I’ve got rid of these two losers’.”
15. "Tim's keyboard setup has more computer power than NASA"
16. (About Tom´s voice with their music) "Turning shit... to a hit!"
Special thanks to Keane Argentina, where we´ve taken this info.