Belo Horizonte / thursday / 0250
RH: alex. artist; photographer; long-term keane collaborator. where are you right now?
AL: I'm in Brazil. I am in Tim's hotel room with you, Jesse and a [possibly slightly] drunken journalist. As. You. Do.
RH: cool. why do we have the pleasure of your company?
AL: Cos I am here to take lovely photos of your time in brazil, and if you have your way with me, as you have tonight, make me drink irresponsible amounts of alcohol on a school night.
RH: sorry about that. it's tim's fault, as usual. So what kind of glamorous evening have you had? presumably something pretty amazing?
AL: Yes of course. Y'know, the usual faces. What can I say about those that you and they haven't heard before? Oh, how we laughed... No, for me the highlight was 24 hours of travel to wind up in a Brazilian strip mall riding on Tim's back trying to joust someone off Jesse's shoulders after a wee dram or two. Erm, or something like that. Did I mention I love these guys? Oh dear. Oh dear me very much. I should be working or sleeping but I don't know where I am.
RH: on that note, i'm gonna post a couple of pics that i took on the way back, and say g'night. see you tomorrow, folks!
