This will be the last post before Keane is here, for second time, in Argentina. We´re very happy, nervous and impatient!. Here is a mini pre-view from KMA...

Tim Rice-Oxley and Tom Chaplin, arriving today to Argentina
It´s been a long time since Keane came for the first time to our country and get sourprised because all that people that went to see them, at the River Plate Stadium. A great show, a sold-out gig and all the Keane spirit was out there. Tom Chaplin (singer) speaking spanish get a half-million people crazy, with the help of his best friends in all his life: Tim Rice-Oxley (Piano) and Richard Hughes (Drums).
"Nos vemos prrrrrrrronto Buenos Aires!" sayd Tom, 2 years ago. He also sayd: "We´ll be back very, very soon, so don´t worry" and 50,000 people made that night, the biggest show Keane has ever made. Now they´re back. Club Ciudad De Buenos Aires, tomorrow.
30,000 tickets are sold out and yesterday evening Tom, Tim, Rich and Jesse (fourth member, up to confirm) arrived to Buenos Aires, at 6:30 p.m. People screamed like that first time they arrived, they followed them to the hotel, get pics, etc. In a couple of hours, the Club Ciudad de Bs. As. will be shouting, singing and dancing through they new, and probably their best work up to now, CD: Perfect Symmetry.
Expectatives to the gig are amazing (for both, Keane and fans also) and everyone is waiting for this. Today, songs like "Spiralling", "The Lovers Are Losing", "Better Than This" or "Perfect Symmetry" are going to sound great with another clasics, like "Somewhere Only We Know", "Is It Any Wonder?", "Everybody´s Changing", "Crystal Ball" and another ones.
But that´s not all. Chaplin is going to celebrate his birthday here, next day after the gig (March 8º). While people ask how is he going to celebrate this, he says: "I have no idea. But I know I want to have a great b-day. And I beleive Latin American spirit is the most appropiate." Awesome.
We´re not going to make a biography, but if you want to read something about them, try Wikipedia, it´s a really nice bio. We´ll only sayd that their three Cd´s went number 1 in the UK the same week it was released. That albums are "Hopes and Fears" (2004), "Under The Iron Sea" (2006) and, the new one, "Perfect Symmetry" (2008).
That night the 50,000 people were amazing, and they got the best night of their lives. Hope this night, with 30,000 out there, would be the same. We´ll leave you all with 3 pics (2 from Richard and 1 from Tom).And that´s it from us, have a nice day folks and go Keane!

"Je souhaiterai m'immerger dans les profondeurs des mers
Y disparaître pour ne plus jamais être vu"
- Black Burning Heart, Perfect Symmetry.