That´s right, we have a couple of bad news for you. Please, read carefully...
First of all, as we said here in our Twitter, KMA is saying goodbye to one of the official members. I´m affraid we can´t said his name, but I´ll tell you that he has decided to study a lot more and this wasn´t what he wanted. Bests wishes to him, seriously. The blog is still going to be online, but let me tell you that we´re going to take a little more slowly direction. Sorry folks. But we´re not leaving! :) Anyway, if you have more questions email keane-music-argentina@hotmail.com, please. My partner was encharged of the Live Archive, with the gigs, and he was the administrator of our hotmail. We´re not angry with him, if you want to know...
What did we say on Twitter? A couple of minutes ago, we say:
"Exlusive post for Twitter: We´re having some problems with the 2005 gigs and, we´re only one at KMA now. But don´t worry, we´re not leaving!"
And, as you´ve guessed, the other bad new is that we´re having trouble with the 2005 gigs now (Because my partner was going to post that, I´ll be working on that later, when all my personal problems finish.) And now I can´t add the links to the name of the gig. I will also try to add the 2006 performances now and a couple of funny videos. Sorry guys, but we´re doing our best and we are trying to find someone else for help...
In other releated news from Keane, the video of "Better Than This" we´ve uploaded, up to now, it´s not the official video. We´re waiting to a Official Confirmation from Keanemusic.com. As soon as they confirm this, we´ll add the video with high definition and more quality of sound. You can watch the video by clicking here. Also, do you know where can we download the video of "She Has No Time"? We also wan´t to add that vid directly from this blog. Why? Because you know that some videos are removed from Youtube, so we want the video to be ALWAYS in this site.
Thank you readers, that´s all. And GO KEANE!
Ps: The person that´s writting now to you it´s the creator of this webpage, just to let you know. Best wishes to you all!