i hope you don't mind, but i've taken a lot of pics of street art - south america has to contain the most amazing array of styles and talent i've seen. honestly, banksy gets rave reviews in the uk, but some of this blows him away. i hope you like it too.
i also had time to go and see rio from corcovado (it was too cloudy last time on the day i wanted to go). as we queued for the van, halfway up, a family of monkeys swung by us high up in the trees. it was pretty cool to see, though sadly they were too far away to see in a photograph.
looking back through the blog is already bringing back happy memories - it has been a massively enjoyable tour. i hope it's been good for you to see some photos - a lot of the time i'm just pointing my camera at whatever we see when the van stops at traffic lights, but i've also tried to show some of the places we've found when we weren't at airports, or playing shows.
things i've learned:
i always pack more books than i can read; if you carry an umbrella round, you will use it eventually (last day, rio); british airways was delayed 2 out of 3 times, but we were only delayed once in the rest of the trip; our fans here are particularly amazing (knew that already) - loud and generous, in a way that constantly surprised us - our massive case full of gifts should reach these shores anytime! thanks again!
the luckiest pigeon alive

dogs at the bus stop

on the way home

insert nme-style caption here...

gotta love all these ancient trucks

check out how blue the sky is!

i think this might be my fave bit of art ever.

and this isn't bad either!

thom, scott, rio

soundcheck, rio

and finally...
archie was such a hit, here's his brother, pitney

london / tuesday / afternoon
home, and i have to admit, it's good to be back. being a vegetarian in mexico and south america is a challenge. i think i may have eaten my own body weight in margharita pizzas. anyhow, here are a few more photos - firstly, from belo horizonte. i hope you like them. will upload some from rio later, but i'm going for a bit of lunch...
we went to a big indoor market - this was tempting, but we had the fresh version later.

despite the night before, alex was always on the look out for photo opportunities.

the clouds seemed to be insanely fluffy, almost unreal.

as jesse might say, fresh

more amazing street art

i have no idea what these are, or what they are for

sophie, tom, tim.

colin and i didn't need the guide to what steak comes from what part of a cow.


cool sculpture

i loved the hollow clay bricks of the marketplace

"i think i might have left a window open"