I think it has changed again y'know and its exciting... its nice to feel that we're not just churning them out. There's a sort-of "default mode" that my voice has which I can easily switch to if I want to be lazy, but with this record I think we've really gone for trying to eek out every little bit of emotion and fun and surprise that we can from the vocals - and even if that means taking something that's out-of-tune or a little bit out-of-time or whatever, if its got the soul and its got the excitement that's the key thing. So we've spent a lot of time just trying to go through all the vocals that we have (I did do quite a lot of singing!) and just try and find those bits where there's just something magic that you can't quite put your finger on, but can just lift a song. I mean, I think I really believe that a great vocal can lift a song to a different place -I know for certain that a few of the songs that's been the case and I hope that for all of the songs really, that's been the case.