I was looking for it, but well, I'm gonna comment about your anxious for the album in exchange (don´t really need the transcription for knowing the answer of that question): I think everybody is used to a very sensitive and slight depressive sound on Keane, and maybe you are worry about facing a happy album, is it? Well I, at least, feel like this is gonna be the best, becouse right night I've found a more sympathy for happy albums than sad ones. So right now I'm not listening so much Keane (maybe just the happy songs) but I'm counting every second to the new album, that -in my mind- is so happy and full of colours. And if it isn't I know I'm gonna love it to the limmit - because it's KEANE . So, in my case, nothing to worry about. .. .. .. Well, except the waiting..... I hope it won't be long....................... mm I don´t know if I'm counting to September or what. but whatever, it's domething to do meanwhile: 1 month, 16 days, 2 hours, 51 minutes, 45 seconds........ 1 month, 16 days, 2 hours, 51 minutes, 36 seconds.... 1 month, 16 days, 2 hours, 51 minutes, 22 seconds .....