The atmosphere in the studio is just completely the opposite of last time of makig UTIS. That was a very dark and stressful time and we didn't know what was going on with the band. We didn't know if we'd even release a second record or tha would just be it ! This time it's just the sound of the three of us plus Jesse having fun in the studio. Having a bass player here has meant we can play through stuff together all at the same time not necessarily to record everything together every time but just to work on songs. It's just been really relaxed and just the most fun I've had in the band.... I think I said that in one of my earlier blogs. I don't know, I think everybody just feels realy inspired, just like there's no pressure. We can just, you know, we've said we'll just release this record when it's done . Whilst we're not planning a Guns and Roses style decade to make it , we're not going to put it out until it's the best record we feel we can make and that's really a great way to be. The last record we came straight off the road straight into the studio to start makngthe album. This time we've had a bit of time off, singing some amazing songs. We're just making sure we do them justice.