So much talking while revealing nothing ...ts,ts!---Having come home from my summer house where I was consoling my Viennese friend Angelica (who is currently suffering very much from the patriotic/nationalistic side effects of the European Soccer Championship) I found a lot of very strange reading material here: I don´t know what really happened and what this batcave business is all about. I´m no computer expert, having grown up in a time we were able to do without. I use them and sometimes get angry at software developers who seem to have a very different way of thinking than I have. Or maybe I miss the subtleties of the English language since it is not my mother tongue. People say that you really have mastered a language when you are able to understand humour. I had a lot of good laughs with English speaking friends, but insider jokes leave me and a lot of other people ... bewildered. Maybe even left out. Perhaps you would kindly consider that.---By the way, I have done some missionary work on Angelica and succeeded: "She has no time" always works perfectly. Saturday late at night we went home from a concert singing it loudly and happily.