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    Thursday 11 September 2008

    4) You Haven´t Told Me Anything

    In a pearl grey room one afternoon
    In one afternoon what are you going to do?
    I hang on your words but there’s nothing new

    You take a beautiful thing
    Pull off a wing, pull off a wing
    With a safety pin
    They never shine quite as bright again

    But you haven’t told me anything
    That I didn’t already know
    No you haven’t said a single thing
    That I didn’t already know

    Everything I love is stuck in the mud
    Stuck in the mud, stuck in a rut
    Not a piece in your puzzle or a paper cut

    So same time next week
    Kiss on the cheek, kiss on the cheek
    And say after me
    Everything’s tied up nice and neat

    But you haven’t told me anything
    That I didn’t already know
    No you haven’t sold me anything
    That I didn’t already own

    I feel for you, I really do
    Nothing adds up like you want it to
    No words can mend this fix I’m in
    Give me your worst, I won’t even blink
    Right between the eyes, I won’t feel a thing

    Because you haven’t told me anything
    That I didn’t already know
    No you haven’t said a single thing
    That I didn’t already know

    No you haven’t told me anything