london / friday / 1515
i really enjoyed the a camp set - there are some really beautiful songs on colonia and they had a pretty big crowd there to enjoy them. after a bit of food we wandered over to catch the start of lykke li's set (only the first three songs though - then we had to head off to warm up for our set.) i really enjoyed what i saw - i'd love to see a full gig. our show was fun, though it felt really late, but confusingly still light! the crowd were great - loud and full of energy. we played a pretty rocking set, which is always fun. sorry there was no encore, but we had a limited amount of time so we thought it was better to just play straight through, instead of wasting time coming off stage only to come back on again...
three hours is not enough sleep. it was getting light again as we left the stage at 1.45, and we had to get a plane at 7.55 from arvika, so we left pretty much straight away, and before we knew it we were back up and checking in... it's been a really fun tour, and i can't wait to get to beirut - you can bet i'll be taking photos there!

ok, not funny! i make a joke about the lift danger sign, then i come back and it's broken...

more pics of that cool building - and the amazing sign above the door

lykke li

last few pics from København

that amazing venue - my view