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    Monday 15 June 2009


    Köln / tuesday / 0048

    we made it, powered by cheesy / great pop music. blink 182 was indeed me (along with many of the others) - definitely gonna go and watch them play now they have said they are re-forming (beth and i both really liked the angels and airwaves album too). it took about 18 hours to get here from oslo, and both tim and i feel a bit wobbly - it's like slight motion sickness from being on a moving bus for so long. norwegian wood was a really fun show - norwegian crowds are always so up for a good time, it's great to play there.

    tim and i just went for a wander, and dinner at a little italian place called trattoria toscana, in what seems like a cool area of town. we're all on a health kick, so it was salad and grilled fish for tim, and asparagus and pasta with pesto for me. no dessert, no wine, no beer, nada... then straight home to sort out these photos - turns out blogging is good for me!

    took a few photos en route, and then of the cathedral, the rhine and the railway bridge... including a couple with the new lensbaby. hope you like them.

    i promise we put this back... and yes, i have hair like a man who just woke up, and needs a hair cut.

    there are padlocks all along the bridge... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_padlocks#Cologne.2C_Germany

    cool door

    shop wall, close-up

    the cathedral, and a passing boat

    lensbaby pic 1 (normal lens)

    lensbaby pic 2 (pinhole, 30 second exposure)

    lensbaby pic 3 (plastic lens)