Lots of you have been asking in the comments when Perfect Symmetry will be released in your country. So, we asked for a list of all the confirmed release dates and here they are...
Argentina - 23/10/08
Australia - 11/10/08
Austria - 10/10/08
Belgium - 10/10/08
Brazil - 28/10/08
Canada - 14/10/08
Chile - 14/10/08
China - 2/01/09
Colombia - 14/10/08
Czech Republic - 13/10/08
Denmark - 13/10/08
Finland - 15/10/08
France - 17/11/08
Germany - 10/10/08
Greece - 13/10/08
Hong Kong - 13/10/08
Hungary - 13/10/08
India - 13/10/08
Indonesia - 20/10/08
Ireland - 10/10/08
Italy - 10/10/08
Korea - 21/10/08
Malaysia - 13/10/08
Netherlands - 10/10/08
New Zealand - 13/10/08
Norway - 13/10/08
Philippines - 13/10/08
Portugal - 13/10/08
Romania - 15/10/08
Russia - 13/10/08
Singapore - 13/10/08
South Africa - 17/10/08
Spain - 14/10/08
Sweden - 15/10/08
Switzerland - 10/10/08
Taiwan - 31/10/08
Thailand - 16/10/08
UK - 13/10/08
USA - 14/10/08