Hey guys,
It's with great pleasure that I deliver you my first column as the man at the helm of Team Keane on the road (aka, tour manager). My fellow teamsters already know that I am partial to an analogy or catchphrase or two and I look forward to sharing some words of wisdom and perhaps a few tour secrets with y'all over the coming months.
Having spent a most enjoyable summer of touring with the genius that is Rufus Wainwright there is still nothing quite like being back with ma boys! When we all converged on our rehearsal studio a few weeks ago in anticipation of the new touring cycle it was plain to see everyone was excited about the months ahead. Tim and Richard were both sporting some cool new Gregory's, Tom had learnt a new robotic dance which involves a power drill (sadly he hadn't forgotten how to invert the screen on my MacBook Pro whenever my back's turned!) and our former production assistant Jesse joined the band!
After several weeks of hard work in rehearsals (and me making copious amounts of tea with milk and a quarter sugar for Beth), we rolled into the first gig on Sunday night to set up. Ant the production voice of authority directed local crew while Rob the professor of aesthetics watched on admiringly as his backdrop was unveiled for the first time.
Meanwhile I was busy making sure everything on my office desk was aligned appropriately and the boys' day sheets were checked for spelling mistakes before being e-mailed to them. The moment of truth finally arrived the following evening at the Kentish Town Forum when the boys were unleashed onto their adoring public in a kaleidoscope of colour! It was nice to see some familiar faces down the front enjoying themselves and singing along to the new songs. The boys delivered a storming set then exited stage left extremely satisfied at a great first night...
It was a hectic but most satisfying first week and everyone enjoyed a deserved weekend off. But, alas, a tour manager's job is never done and I need to get back to doing some sums - budget number 11 of 18.
Look forward to visiting some fabulous cities over these next few months. Come along and enjoy the shows.
Peace out.