MON 10.02PM: blimey. that's the hottest and most fun show so far - in the smallest space we've played in a long time - i think it rocked the hardest too. the singing along - wow - the people of scotland (and further afield i think, judging from the many familiar faces) were in very good voice! thanks for coming down and helping us celebrate the record coming out.
i took a few photos so they'll be up soon, once our faithful technical guru is back home from the pub.
leeds - you have a lot to live up to!
in the meantime, um, cheers, and thanks for giving us the chance to do this all again. we love it.
MON 8.22PM hi everyone, we're just back at the hotel after having a quick bite to eat, and we are totally up for tonight's gig - it's an absolutely tiny venue, but also utterly gorgeous - one of the most beautiful rooms we've played in, and very inspiring. definitely check out the bar. most importantly, it's going to be very sweaty, and, with your help, utterly rocking - we've got a pretty energetic setlist for you, so i hope you've been listening to the new record all day long. judging from last night, some of you have been listening a while longer! if you're coming then i hope you have a great night, and if not, well, i hope we'll see you on the road sometime soon. i'm off to warm up. richard,
MON 6.12PM: A couple more pictures from Richard have just arrived...

MON 5.23PM: Tonight, Keane begin their three-date mini UK tour in Edinburgh. For the next few days, we'll be updating this thread with pictures, news and updates. We begin with this gorgeous picture of Edinburgh which Richard emailed over before soundcheck...