Edmonton / Sunday / 1524
i want to live in the rocky mountains. we just had a fantastic day off in Jasper (nice one, colin). tom, ant and adam cdm went fishing. i went for a run, as did kyle, colin and tom. tim rowed beth around a lake, then played tennis with dan (who had also been mountain-biking with scott and a few others). it was the healthiest day-off we've ever had. i went down to the lake to take a few pics in the evening, and ended up having a great chat with a fella sat by the shore - he was a retired canadian economist / banker / navy reservist / professor. we talked about the planets, time, the economy, regulation of business, government and the free market. i learned a lot, including that the brightest light in the night sky last night was venus - he learned how to navigate by the stars when he was in the navy. he told me something that totally blew my mind - apparently, the best navigators, using the stars, could place themselves on a map to within 250 yards of exactly where they were. if you look at the clickable big photo of the stars (there you go, kmpeeps), you can see that in the 30 seconds it took to take the photo, the stars had moved in the sky (they are actually little lines when you zoom in close). so how did those navigators managed to locate themselves so accurately?! amazing. anyway...
on with the show:
library opposite the venue

this one should be clickable in a few minutes (thanks km.com).

spot the shooting star