The prison is a truly terrifying place. It was fantastic to meet Troy, and to hear about his experiences. For more see Kim's Blog, and upcoming interviews.

This white flagpole is where vigils are held when executions are due to take place.

The prison gates

outside the White House, earlier this year

Alistair, arriving at the office of Congressman John Lewis - http://johnlewis.house.gov/

"Georgia: Wisdom, Justice, Moderation"

Alistair Carmichael MP and Congressman Lewis, discussing the death penalty, and the case of Troy Davis.

our delegation with Congressman Lewis, in front of the Capitol

Congressman John Lewis does hereby receive the title of honorary Mayor of Selma, Alabama, 30th June 1996

The Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award, presented to Congressman Lewis, January 12th 1990

Mass Meeting for Freedom, July 7th 1963

Photos from Congressman Lewis' office. He is an amazing man, it was a priviledge to meet him.

A bale of cotton from Georgia

The Office of Congressman Lewis

heading to the British Embassy for more meetings

meeting at the British Embassy, kindly hosted by Ian Bond

Alistair and Ian Bond

"EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW" - The Supreme Court - the key to the latest progress in Troy's Case

Alistair and me, outside the Supreme Court

on our way to meet staff of Representative Hank Johnson, Jr of Georgia

leaving for Atlanta, flying over the Pentagon.