san francisco / friday / 0750
just woke up - not a bad start on fighting the jetlag! got here yesterday afternoon, sunshine, mid-twenties, very pleasant. went for a wander with jesse - he was fighting the urge to buy a new camera (though not the leica that he's had on his blog). last time i was here i came into town for a huge anti-war march, but today all was quiet. i have never been sure what to make of this city, but i'm definitely coming around to it. it's really walkable (for an american city - they are often really spread out) so you don't need a car - that helps a lot. seems like a pretty healthy place to live if you have some money, but there is a huge amount of poverty here too - there have always been a lot of homeless people here, but it just seems to have increased this time around, or maybe i'm just noticing people more because the economy is in the news. quite a few closed-up shops too - the huge virgin megastore on market is now just an empty space. we had a good wander round, then went to lori's diner for some food with tim and colin. i had the best onion rings i've ever tasted. managed to stay awake until about 1030 (the equivalent of 6.30am in the uk). not bad!

that snowglobe...