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    Friday, 1 May 2009


    The artwork of `Perfect Symmetry´ doesn´t show very well the great sculptures by Osang Gwon. So, we´ll see them here, plus some fascinating pictures from his work. As we´ve made with the Sanna Annuka´s post, here is Osang´s bio.To begin with, here is the album´s artwork:

    As we´ve said before, you can´t see the sculptures very well (you can check them out if you buy the CD). But, here they are, plus a couple of pictures from the making-of:

    Now, here are a couple of pictures selectionated by KMA which are cool, no dude:

    And to end this we´ve another conclution: Keane has an excelent eye for talent people, like Osang and Sanna. No dude. If you want to visit his site visit Osang.net!, where you can check out more pics or contact him also! Have a great night folks, and with this we are finished with theese posts (up to now).