As promised before, here´s the post dedicated to the BIG Alex Lake, responsable for the artwork of `Hopes and Fears´ and a lot of Keane photos! To begin with here is his beautiful website if you want to check more pictures (apart from the Kma selection, of course!): http://www.twoshortdays.com/
First of all, here is the featured artwork of `Hopes And Fears´: (You can read about the artwork of the album by clicking here).

And here are five photos from Keane, taken by Alex:

If you want to check out a lot (and we mean, A LOT) of photos click the links below:
Keane in Berlin - Tourbook 09´
Album Artwork
To contact him or to read his biography, just click here. He is a really good photographer.And that´s it from us. Have a nice weekend folks!