silverlake / thursday / 2000
i’m sitting backstage, about an hour before we go onstage at the echo
jesse is tonight’s dressing room dj, playing ready for the floor right now. i really hope hot chip win a grammy – it would be so utterly deserved. soundcheck was good. our friends rocco and ryan dropped by to say hi. catching up with friends is one of the real joys of touring. i’m really looking forward to hearing his new album, and hopefully catching a show.
tonight’s show is an LA version of the tiny uk shows we did when the album came out – it’s going to be a sweaty night, and i can’t wait. we had a lot of fun playing at kcrw today – it truly is one of the great radio stations – i am a dedicated listener to their show “left, right and center”
so if you are interested in some intelligent discussion of american politics then you may want to check it out. and their music shows rock too. they have a great archive of shows at kcrw.com.
we also stopped by to see some friends earlier, and ended up recording a few acoustic tracks that will find their way on to the internet at some point. watch this space...
i also think i’ve solved the pixel issue that was messing with the photos, but we’ll see! as many of you know, we have been having the occasional website glitch and we are, once again, trying to deal with it – if you have downloaded the recent ep we are trying to get the links all sorted, and i apologise for the problems you may have had.
ps here's this morning's coffee. more photos later.