Tickets for Keane's Latin American shows are now on sale from the official km.com ticket shop in our special pre-sale. Click here if you'd like to buy some. Our limited tickets for the gigs in Chile, Brazil and Colombia are the very best available, and thus the most expensive. Cheaper tickets will be available when the generalsale begins this weekend (details to follow).
Please note, in Mexico, tickets will be available for collection for a week before the event, from the venue box office. For the other shows, they'll be available to collect on the night of the the show only. Click here to read the ticket FAQs.
The dates are as follows...
Feb 25th - Auditorio Telmex | Jalisco Guadalajara - Mexico
Feb 27th- Sports Palace | Mexico City - Mexico
Feb 28th - Arena Monterrey | Monterrey - Mexico
Mar 3rd - Coliseo El Campin | Bogota - Colombia
March 5th - Movistar Arena | Santiago - Chile
March 7th - Club Ciudad de Bs. As. | Buenos Aires - Argentina
March 10th - Credicard Hall | Sao Paulo - Brazil
March 12th - Chevrolet Hall | Sao Pedro Belo Horizonte - Brazil
March 13th - Citibank Hall | Rio de Janeiro - Brazil