11.59am: A new day deserves a new page...
11.52am: Good morning! We're back, the band are up and it's time for some more live blogging...
12.26am: "You're wrong! Fruits in salad work very well," says Silvia in Switzerland, before going into quite some detail about how good they can be. Flávia in Sao Paulo, Brazil agrees. And so does Megan. And so does Mary Ann. Hmm. Maybe we'll give it another try...
On another note. "Aren't you sleepy?" writes Aline. "Ohhh, I'm not saying you should stop, 'cause the liveblog is brightening up my night!I mean...you must be tired, when will you guys get some rest?"
Yep, we are feeling a bit sleepy now. Time to hit the bunk. Thanks for keeping us company with your emails. We'll see you for more of the same in the morning. Until then, here's a picture of a burger stall we took earlier...

Does fruit work in burgers too?
11.57pm: Hey folks. We're back on the bus, where Adam, Tom and Jesse are talking about food, particularly the question of whether fruit works in salad (no, it does not - with the obvious exception of tomato). Anyway, Lali from Argentina has asked for a setlist. Here it is...

11.26pm: This is how it looked from where the folks with spotlights were based (thanks to Keane's manager Adam for the cracking shot)

11.10pm: And we're back in our cosy little wi-fi spot by the dressing rooms (Oasis behind us, Snow Patrol to our right). Here are the long overdue pics from the show:

Did we mention that it was ace?
(By the way, big thanks to the missus for her stirling work updating the site during the gig while we bellowed down the phone to her)
10.46pm: We're in the minibus for the surprisingly lengthy journey back to the dressing rooms. The band all thought it was a belting gig. We'd tend to agree.
10.34pm: And so after a mighty sounding (and rapturously received) Under Pressure it's time for Bedshaped. The band look like they've had a memorable night. Chelmsford will have to work very hard indeed to keep up with tonight's crowd.
10.22pm: Somewhere Only We Know and the crowd sound as loud as the band from the side of the stage. Amazing.
10.08pm: "What an incredible bunch of people you are," says Tom after a raucous Is It Any Wonder. "We're very flattered." There's an amazing atmosphere here tonight.
9.53pm: Right, the band are on stage and the crowd are loving it. We've taken lots of pictures, but having walked back to the dressing room where the wi-fi is, we found that the dressing room door was locked. Oh dear. We've also tried updating with a mobile but it seems like tens of thousands of people are also after the signal, so we've rung the missus and she's kindly doing it for us. The band are currently playing Leaving So Soon. Sounds great. And they're really throwing themselves into it. We'll report back with more before too long. Hopefully.
8.57pm: Three minutes until the band head to the stage, so we'd better be quick posting these...

We'll pop back during the show to post some pics of that...
8.31pm: Not long until performance time now (and apparently it takes 15-20 minutes to get from the dressing rooms to the stage itself), so the band are in the dressing room, warming up on their instruments. Or, at least, on each other's instruments - with Tim currently on bass and Jesse on drums, together conjuring a mighty groove.

Before that, Jesse was doing a spot of ironing...

While Richard had a blast on the drums...

And Tim's T-shirt just hung out...

Hung out!! Hahahaha! (Sorry.)
8.03pm: The wi-fi out here by the dressing rooms is getting progressively worse, which is a bit worrying. But here are some pictures from the Keane cabin just now. They are both quite arty.
Arty because it was taken in a mirror and is blurred:

Arty because because it's in black and white and crops off the top of Tim's head:

Look out for our exhibition coming to a gallery near you.
7.35pm: Here's Richard and Tom with Keane's erstwhile lighting guru Rob.

We've just been reading through all your latest emails - thanks to everyone who's sent one today. We've had several hundred already and it's very nice to hear from you all, whether you're in Manchester or Mongolia.
7.20pm: Sorry, it's a pretty BIG site - that wander took longer than expected...
Here's Tom doing an interview with BBC 6 Music

The wonferful Elbow on the Virgin stage...

Funny how you have to queue for ages to get into somewhere you *really* don't want to be...

A little piece of Brazil and Peru...

Why not pay to make yourself feel a bit ill...

In case you meet someone special...

A little piece of Mexico...

The stage which Keane will be gracing in just under two hours...

6.39pm: We didn't go for a wander in the end, we went to catering with the band to get some grub. It was, as these things always seem to be, very nice. We had lamb shank, as did Tim, while Richard had veggie salad and Tom had steak and ale pie. Pudding was either sticky toffee pudding or an excedingly lovely redcurrant tart. Yum. Here's a pic of Tim having a game of table football on the way back to the dressing room afterwards...

A calm, assured performance from Mr Rice-Oxley. Now we really are going to take some pics of the site...
6.06pm: The band are in the dressing room deciding tonight's setlist. Richard arrived just after we took the picture - looking very cheery.
We're going to leave them to their discussions and go and take some pictures of the site. See you in a bit...
5.41pm: OK, here are some pictures, taken on the way in and in the dressing room / sauna (happily, Tim just got the air-con working - as Tom said, he's "found his cooling in life". Huzzah!)

Crikey, Natalie Imbruglia just walked past...
5.26pm: Right, we're on site and after something of a panic, we've managed to find somewhere where the wi-fi works (sitting on the grass, against a fence, a little way away from the band's dressing room). We're in the backstage compound where all the band's dressing rooms are - they essentially get a portable cabin each. From here, we can see the Human League's which has Katy Perry's on one side and Lady Gaga's on the other. The weather is glorious and James are currently banging out the hits on the main stage, which is about 40 metres away from here. There are lots of people bustling about, looking important. And we're off to take some pictures...
4.49pm: A few of you have been asking for pics of Colin and Beth. Here they are - downstairs on the bus. Apparently we're only ten minutes from the site...

4.28pm: "My huge question is "WHERE IS RICHARD?" you haven't talked about him yet" Paty
The band have had a few days off since Seoul and Richard has been staying quite near to the V site in Staffordshire, So he's going directly there. But he'll be on the bus tonight when we head back down south.
Tom, meanwhile, is in the bus, but asleep.
4.10pm: Hi guys!! How many miles is it from London to the festivall? Cheers Wouter
It's about 150 miles. We're not too far away now. And the cricket is still going very well for England (but not so good for Keane fan Jenny in Perth, Australia, who's trying to take her mind off the game with the liveblog).
4.00pm: I'd like to know what did you have for lunch...That snack Jesse was preparing looked pretty good!
Kisses from Aline Shinzato, Brazil
Jesse was making toast with marmite. It did look pretty tasty (if you're a marmite sort of person).
3.54pm: Hey guys! Just wondering who your bus driver is today? -- Lana, Canada
His name is Jim. And he drives nicely.
3.41pm: Right, we've just read out a list of literally dozens of your book suggestions to Tim - he says a big thanks to you all for sending them in. These are the two he's chosen to explore further:
'The monk who sold his ferrari' by Robin S.Sharma (suggested by Alica and Jo)
Tim: With a title like that, it's got to be good!
Kafka On The Shore' By Haruki Murakami.
Excellent writer. Unforgetable book. A book made for Tim. For sure. (suggested by Paula)
Tim: Ah, Colin suggested this one too. I'll have to give it a go.
We've just left the service station. We're about an hour from the festival site, apparently.
3.32pm: Here are some pictures from the service station (nobody else got off apart from us):

3.19pm: (Um, this should be working now). Here's that video we promised. We kept it very short, because this wi-fi is pretty darn slow (not that we're complaining - it's on a moving vehicle!)
3.16pm: The fan-drawn pictures are flooding in. This one, by Kamylee, got a big thumbs up from Tim and Adam.

3.08pm: Right, here's a role reversal: Tim has a question for you folks. He's just finished his book (The Alchemist - "8/10") and he'd like to know what you'd suggest he reads his next. Get those suggestion in to ontour@keanemusic.com (thanks for all of your weather reports, by the way - it does seem the planet is mostly sunny today)
2.49pm: NEWSFLASH! We're stopping at a service station!
2.48pm: Luke's sent us a drawing of Tim, drawn by Annette Hutchins. Pretty good, eh?

2.47pm: Sorry, we lost wi-fi signal for a while there. Trying to upload a little video now.
2.13pm: "Just wondering if you guys have sky sports on the tour bus? Are you able to keep up to date with the 5th test?" asks Carly to ontour@keanemusic.com.
Sadly, no, Carly. For those of you unaware, It's the third day (of five) of the final (also of five) cricket Test match between England and Australia. Tom was actually at the Oval yesterday watching an astonishing performance from England, where they gave themselves a very good chance of winning the match (and the series). No doubt he would've loved to be there again today. As it is, we're following the scores online. C'mon England!
1.33pm: So, we're cruising along the motorway on our way up to Staffordshire. Tom is having a lie down, Tim is chilling in the little booth on the top deck at the front of the bus, Colin is working and Jesse and Beth are settling down into the main lounge to watch Mirrors (it looks a bit scary). Here are some pics...

1.24pm: OK, we're on the bus and we're on the move. Amazingly, it has wi-fi, so you're just moments away from some pictures...
12.42pm: We're at the coach pick up point, waiting with Beth, Colin, Jesse and Keane's manager Adam for the tourbus to arrive. Tim's on the bus already, Tom should be here any sec - in fact, here he is! - and we're meeting Rich at the site.
11.16am: Ah, the wonders of technology mean we can give you a world waether update on our way to meet the tourbus. Lali and Uma in Argentina both point out it's still dark there, but apparently a cold day is predicted. Tina in Germany says it's "sunny" while Ana Catarina is enjoying a "brilliant sunny day" in Porto. Rachel in Rio tells us it's "cold and the sun is hidden in the clouds" and it's "very cool but humid 79f" with Tasha in Miami. Chi tells us it's "sunny and very hot" in Taiwan and it's "5.45am and foggy" where Em is in West Virginia. On the train into London, meanwhile, it's cool and wobbly.
10.21am: Right, here's some quick weather updates, then we're off to meet the tourbus...
- It's a sunny and quiet afternoon (17:08), but very hot in Guangzhou, China. About 32 degree C.
Syrinx from China
- In Berlin it´s sunny and already quite warm! :-D
Greetings from Ani
- Weather good in Basingstoke - what a day a live Keane blog and cricket on the tv, Jean
- I live in hanover, Germany and it's like almost too hot! Ha! Can you believe that?! Too hot in Germany?! Yeah, well I'm going to an open air festival today...so let's hope the weather stays like that-here and at the v festival! Have a good day everyone!
- The weather is Holland is sunny, partly clouded with a nice breeze!
- In Poland there's cloudy and it rains. Not a good time. There's a concert in my town and all these people are gonna get wet!
Love, Kasia xoxo (writing from Szczytno, W-M, Poland.)
Thanks for those folks. So it's pretty good everywhere accept Poland then. Poor Poland.
See you in about two hours...
10.03am: Good morning! Welcome to the V Festival liveblog, which will be giving you all the behind-the-scenes info from Keane's weekend at one of the UK's biggest festivals, where they're headlining the 4Music stage. We're about to set off to west London to meet the tourbus at 12.45pm. From there we'll whizz up to Staffordshire with the band for the first leg of the show.
The weather here in England is lovely and sunny today. How is it where you are? Do drop us a line at ontour@keanemusic.com to let us know...