perthshire, scotland / saturday / 1830
what a strange week this has been - from this (desert between dubai and abu dhabi)

to this (one of the most beautiful bits of scotland i've ever seen)

oxegen was a lot of fun. there was a lot of noise coming from the other stage, so we didn't play an acoustic bit, just playing about as rocking a set as we ever have. seemed like it went down pretty well too, judging by the noise coming from the massive irish crowd. oxegen did us proud again - thankyou!
we had another sleepless night after finishing at 1am and being rudely (and i mean rudely) awoken at 6am at the ferry crossing by some rather zealous security people who made us all get up so they could search our bus. they then left us alone for ages without telling us they had changed their minds, and that we could have gone back to sleep. we have to do a lot of these type of crossings, and some are better than others. this was not a good one... anyway, i got another hour of sleep before getting up for the ferry, where scott very kindly treated me to a nice cooked breakfast...

we've got a day off, then it's our turn at t in the park - definitely one of my favourite festivals anywhere in the world. if you are there already then i hope you are having fun.