11.05PM: And that's it from us. As ever, a huge thanks for reading and for all of your emails. It's been a blast. We'll see you again for more live blogging soon.
ps - Don't worry, we didn't forget about Richard's drum challenge - we filmed a cracker which we'll get up on the site during the week...

11.00PM: Here's some pics we've just taken of Jesse, Rich and Tim - all of whom seem to have enjoyed tonight's show as much as Tom did.

10.43PM: We just had to move our car because it was blocking a lorry, It was covered in snow. As was the carpark. Which is on a steep slope. Scary.
10.33PM: Tim's in the shower, while both Richard and Jesse are chatting with friends and family in the friends and family room. Which leaves Tom as the only member of Keane in the dressing room. He's really pleased with tonight's show and its extremely enthusiastic crowd. As such, he gives it a definite thumbs up. As this picture we've just taken of him aptly illustrates...

10.25PM: Ruth emailed asking to see tonight's setlist. Here it is...

10.22PM: Wow, we've just counted and we've had over 800 emails from you folks today. Amazing. We read every one of them. Thanks for keeping us company.
10.18PM: Right, last lot of pictures from the show, which has just finished. We were going to get some of the band bowing together at the end but, alas, our camera battery chose to die moments before they did. Dang.

We'll try and get one of the band in the dressing room with our susbtitute camera...
10.03PM: "Robin Hood Men In Tights is playing at the moment so I have half an eye on that and half an eye on the live blog." says Peej to ontour@keanemusic.com.
Can't believe we've made it this far into a blog in Nottingham without mentioning Robin Hood once. Glad we've sorted that out.
Ooh, only one song to go. We'd better go and take some pics...
10.02PM: The band just came off stage, before their encore. Here's what Colin had very kindly set up for them...
Here's the band drinking them...
And here's Richard with a towel on his head...
Rich tells us it's very, VERY hot up there on stage. In contrast, outside the stage door, it's currently looking very, VERY cold...
9.46PM: And more from you folks...
"Hey keane music. i am just making pancakes for breakfast and reading about Nadal in the paper"
Virginia, Hobart, Australia
"I'm sitting in the terrace of my parent's house here in Sao Bernardo, a city very close to Sao Paulo, It's almost 7:30 pm but the sun has not yet gone down and it's really nice out here."
Love,Denise Yumi, Brazil
9.44PM: Some pictures from behind the stage...

9.33PM: It may be Sunday night, but fun is being had in Nottingham

9.32PM: More from you folks...
"I'm now pressing the F5 button constantly, should be ironing, but in between the Keane updates i have just watched the title of the Coral players championship darts go to Phil Taylor, local lad. So pleased he's won"
"I'm watching Memento on YouTube, reading the live blog, and waiting for the Super Bowl to Start. Go Cardinals!"
Jenna, USA
"I'm doing my history essay which is in for tomorrow and I haven't even started it yet. And it's "the biggie" as our history teacher called it, so I'll be up until midnight doing it."
"I am listening to the awful noise my heater is making. I think it's a bit broken because it sounds like a chainsaw...!
Mia in Portland, Oregon
"Hi, im selling girl scout cookies"
Hannah, Miami USA
What? Are they cookies in the shape of girl scouts?
9.27PM: It's sounding good out there. The band are back on the main stage, doing You Haven't Told Me Anything...

9.19PM: This is how it looked on the B-stage a couple of minutes ago...

"But I open my eyes and it's a lovely day..."
9.15PM: And this is what Keane fans are doing...
"I'm not upto very much to be honest, just got back from a lovely curry i had with a friend of mine. Now i am watchin a sitcom, with my pc on my lap, checking up every 5 minutes on this blog!!It's addicting!! lolIt looks great ova there!!" Catherine (Belgium)
"I'm up to go to my granny's house!...I must admit that I haven't gone yet just because of the Live blog!" Jime
"Besides the obvious F5/emailing response Im also preparing Dinner and Watching the Pre Super Bowl show... Woot Woot" Angela From Indiana
"I have just been in the BACKYARD and had a snowball fight with my kids, I lost!" Kerry
Talking of which, we can hear Tom singing Snowed Under. Gotta love that song.
9.14PM: This is how it's looking from the very back of the venue. The band, as you'll notice, are now on the B-stage, in the middle of the arena. They're currently doing Try Again, which sounds ridiculously lovely.

9.05PM: We're off to take a picture from the very back of the venue. What are you up to? Email us at ontour@keanemusic.com to let us know...
9.02PM: Lots and lots and lots of people...

Oh and, sorry, but we're not allowed to tell you which 80s song they were covering. But you'll hear about it before very long...
9.01PM: Tom from another angle...

8.57PM: This just in from Mary Ann in reference to our 8.15PM post...
Those are transmitters for the in ear monitors and their cases. They are set "c", all set to the same fequency in case there is interference on another. Jesse and I have the same Ultimate Ears in
ear head phones (mine are red though)!!!
Lots and lots of guesses still coming in for the 80s cover, but amazing still only person has got it right. Did we already say it's not Queen? it's not Queen.
8.41PM: Here are some live shots taken during TLAL. We're going to be brave and post some colour ones. The band are currently playing Everybody's Changing and the bass is making the walls of Colin's office shake.

And finally, an arty one...

We're off for a wander to take some more pics (and, y'know, maybe watch just a wee bit of the gig)...
8.36PM: The band are now on stage and have just belted through The Lovers Are Losing. Sounded grand. Great atmosphere out there too. Here's a picture of the fellas just before they went on.

8.23PM: Seven minutes until show time. In the dressing room, Tom is warming up on guitar...

Rich is playing some drums...

And Jesse is busy with his favourite pre-gig ritual of trying to prevent a wall from falling down...

Happily. he seems to be winning.
We've had dozens of guesses for the 80s cover song now, and still only one correct answer. Therefore, it is officially an Unlikely Cover Version for Keane.
8.15PM: Are these monitors? We think they are, but we're not entirely sure.

It's also not The River by Bruce Springsteen, but that is the track Tim's referring to in the interview video below.
8.12PM: Thankfully, no, it's not Tight Fit; The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Phew. Nor is it by the Clash, Ramones, The Cult or The Smiths. We wish it was Ghostbusters, but it's not that either. The 80s were great, weren't they?
8.07PM: The band are in their dressing room, either warming up or getting dressed for the show. Stage time is in 21 minutes.

8.06PM: Nor is it Blondie, Tears For Fears or U2. Or Depeche Mode or Genesis or Talking Heads. Or the Human League or Soft Cell. Or Abba. Or Phil Collins. Or Lionel Ritchie. Or Madonna.
8.00PM: It is also not by the Pet Shop Boys, Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Prince, Berlin or Joy Division.Or Bros or The Police.
7.57PM: One of you has guessed the 80s song the band were practising. But it is not Take On Me or Under Pressure (which are the most popular guesses).
7.54PM: The video interview - filmed less than an hour ago - is live. Check it out below. Thanks to everyone who sent in a question, all of these came from you folks...
7.49PM: We just walked in on the band practising a cover of a song which was number one in the 1980s. Get those guesses in to ontour@keanemusic.com. For the record, it sounded top.
7.41PM: Here's Frankmusik...

And here's the front row of tonight's crowd...

The Tim interview video is on its way...
7.32PM: Right, the video is compressing and Frankmusik has just come on, so we're off to take a few pictures of him. Busy busy!
7.22PM: OK, video coming together. Won't be too long now hopefully...
7.09PM: The video is processing. Hmm, this could take a while. In other news, there are people in the building. Many of them have their coats on and their hands in their pockets. That's because it's cold.

7.02PM: Right, interview done. Now we just need to get it ready to post. in the meantime, here's a picture of our dinner...

6.41PM: Hey folks. Just back from dinner (roast pork, absolutely lovely) and we're going through 150+ emails picking questions for Tim.
6.08PM: Right, we're off to get some dinner. Keep those questions for Tim coming in...
6.04PM: Newsflash! We're going to do a video interview with Tim after he's had dinner. Send in your questions to ontour@keanemusic.com now...
5.58PM: It's getting quite snowy here in the UK and "forecasters warn of the heaviest and most widespread snowfall for six years" tonight, according to the BBC. It sounds worse in Canada: "Three days ago it was -30C here in Cape Breton, Canada. Bet you can't top that...." says Alex by email to ontour@keanemusic.com. Now that really is chilly.
5.56PM: This is how the band's wardrobes are looking...

The word "vibrant" springs to mind.
5.51PM: "Hi! My question for Beth is why is it that you never appear in the blogs pics?" Kisses from Gabriela in Argentina.
Oh yes she does (and so does Colin)...

5.48PM: Excitement from the room next door where somebody is listening to the Liverpool v Chelsea game on the radio. Seems Torres has just grabbed a late winner.
5.44PM: The band are busy in meetings (seemingly about new T-shirt designs). So we snuck into the music room to take a picture of the settings on the warm-up piano...

So that's bright, medium in Hall 1. Remember, you saw it here first.
5.36PM: Newsflash! Tonight's menu has just arrived in catering...

Ice cream factory?! Wowser.
5.29PM: Crikey. Dozens of pictures of shoes have arrived in the last 17 minutes. You folks are incredible. We can't really post them all, so we'll make Julieta's the last one...

5.25PM: The internet is an amazing thing. We asked for pictures of your shoes, you sent pictures of your shoes...


Elena in Germany


Sarah in Munich

Syrinx Yip in China
Thanks for those!
5.12PM: Feel free to email a picture of your shoes to ontour@keanemusic.com...
5.09PM: The band are in a meeting with Colin, so we just popped in to ask the lovely Beth some of your questions...
I wonder: what is your favourite food? From Julia
Beth replies: Roast dinner.
All girls love sweet things, so where in the world serves the best coffee and cakes?
Beth replies: Cupcakes from my own kitchen are the best. Otherwise Peyton and Byrne in St Pancras, London.
I understand that Beth still works for Keane when they aren’t touring, but can I be cheeky and ask what she does?
Beth replies: Just day to day Keane business.
i would love to know what he remember the most about the last Latin American tour?
Beth replies: The fans. Unbelievably passionate. And taking everybody to see a Tango show.
Of course, we couldn't leave without taking a picture of her shoes...

4.57PM: A curiously large number of you have been emailing in questions or comments about the band's shoes. So here they are, in all their glory...

Yes, it would appear that we've mislaid Richard's legs.
4.50PM: Right, who's got some questions for Beth? Please email them to ontour@keanemusic.com. Thanks folks.
4.48PM: "I've always wondered who the km.com team consists of. Can you tell us, or is it top secret??"
It's top secret.
4.46PM: Tonight's stage times...

4.42PM: More questions for Colin...
Colin, which foreign language would you like to learn / speak?
Cheers, Wouter, Holland
Colin replies: Spanish
Colin, what is your favourite Keane song?
Adam, Nottingham
Colin replies: Atlantic
Colin, I come from a country where football is a national "religion". Which football team has the honour of having you as a supporter? . Kisses from Madrid. A Real Madrid fan and a Batcave member. Marta
Colin replies: My two favourite teams are Dundee United and LA Galaxy
4.35PM: Dear Colin or Beth. Is there any difference in the routine schedule or extra pressure for you and the guys when there are live blogs? asks Earl Lee
Beth's actually just popped in to Colin's office, so we've asked her. She and Colin both confirm thay they're very happy to have km.com along on the days when we do the live blogging and that we don't get in the way at all. Phew.
4.33PM: It is really very cold outside. We were only out there for a few seconds to take this picture and our ears still hurt. But here are the hardy souls in the queue...

4.25PM: Newsflash!
There is absolutely nothing going on here in Austria. NOTHING, nada, niente, nichts! We are the most boring country in the world! Gudrun
4.24PM: Apparently a handful of extra tickets are available from the Box Office for tonight's show. It's open now if you're in the area and fancy swapping the live blog for a live gig.
4.21PM: The soundcheck proper has now begun, with the band blasting through a deliciously groovesome Spiralling. This is what they looked like while they did so...

4.11PM: Newsflash from Peru!
Peru archeologists inaugurate new museum at Sipan containing a wealth of treasures, says Isabel.
And this from Yoon in Tampa USA...
More news about the Super Bowl in Tampa where I live. I just heard from news on TV that somebody paid $ 3100 for the ticket although face value of ticket is $ 800. CRAZY!!!!!! 7 hours before the game. but traffic jam is very bad around the stadium. Bruce Springsteen will perform during half time break.
4.08PM: More answers from Colin to the questions you've been emailing to ontour@keanemusic.com...
My question for Colin: what's your all-time favorite Disneymovie? =)
Keep on bloggin'!
xxx Marit from Holland!
Colin replies: That's a good question. Gotta be the Jungle Book.
If you could go anywhere in the world right this instant, where would you go?
Colin replies: This very minute? I'd go home to LA.
How long does it take to set up then take down the whole set?
Kate, Cardiff
Colin replies: We start loading in at 7am to be ready for a 3.30pm soundcheck. And then after the show everything comes down and is in the trucks in about two and a half hours.
Colin, what's your favourite instrument ? xxxx from Ellen .
Colin replies: The Moog Liberation. I love that.
4.02PM: Tim is out there now. They're not actually playing songs yet, just chatting to each other and tuning up their instruments.

3.53PM: Some pictures from the soundcheck (we managed to get there just before Tim did - hence he's not in the pics). They are, as live blog tradition dictates, in black and white.

3.31PM: We have answers from Colin...
Colin, what do you enjoy most about your job?
Colin replies: Waking up on the bus in the morning and seeing the band, Beth and Tony's smiling faces.
If you werent TM for Keane is there any current band you'd like to work for?
Colin replies: Nobody comes close to Keane.
Colin! which is your current favourite band (except Keane of course) and why?
Carolina, Gothenburg
Colin replies: Hang on, I'll have a look at my iTunes... Let's say Sigur Ros. I love that band.
Hello Colin, do you like crepes or pancakes?
Hugs from Holland,
Colin replies: I love crepes.
Hello Mr. Colin! What's your hobby?. Thanks UMA xx from ARGENTINA
Mr Colin replies: Sadly, I don't have time for hobbies.
And with that, Colin dashed out of the door, talking into his walkie talkie.
Right. Soundcheck time...
3.20PM: "Good warming up and not too much talking is the key to preserving your voice," says Tom, who's doing some warming up in the music room adjoining the dressing room.

Next door, Jesse is telling Richard the names of all of his previous laptops. Apparently one of them was called Big Bill.
3.16PM: So, does anyone hae a question for tour manager Colin? Email it to ontour@keanemusic.com - as we're sitting in a little office with him. As we mentioned earlier, Beth is in another room today, but we'll try to catch up with her later.
3.14PM: And yet more news from you folks...
DORSET, UK - Today, I am mostly wearing 6 layers in the house as it is so cold. Charlotteh
MUNICH: For this tuesday, 3. February the subways, busses and trams will do strike. That means, people who have to go to work, will have a lot of troubles how to go there. Probably, I´ll check out my bicycle and hoping the weather will get a bit better. Otherwise, by foot I will need 1 hour to go there! At least I don´t know, if I can get a taxi? Johanna
NORWAY: I am about to bake a cake. :) Mathilde
TAIWAN: The biggest news in Taiwan is that there are loTs of pepple come to Taipei Zoo to see the panda
GUERNSEY: Guernsey States has voted by the closest of margins not to close one of the island's infant schools. Gabby
OXFORDSHIRE: My husband and I are discussing our plans to move to New Zealand next year. Gail
Thanks to everyone for sending in their news. We'll finish them off with these wise words from Isabel.
ISRAEL: In Israel unfortunately the big news is still war issues- can't wait for everyone to stop shooting and start thinking for a change. Isabel
3.07PM: Some of the crew are out in the arena having a kickabout with the inflatable goals which you might remember from the live rehearsals blog. Naturally it would've been rude if km.com hadn't joined in for a few minutes...

2.50PM: More news, from where you are:
JAPAN: Japan's Meteorological Agency increased the alert level at Mount Asama volcano in central Japan, warning of an eruption within two days, an agency official said on Sunday. Muse-ic
BRAZIL: The main headline in Brazilian newspapers today is about the Congress Elections that will run tomorrow... Denise
LONDON/CHINA: I think this news is related to both Chinese and English!!! :D Cause our Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrived in London on Jan. 31 for a three-day visit to Britain! and he visited the China town in London! Enjoy the China Lunar New Year of "Ox"!!! :D
I hope Chinese and English people can have a very nice relationship each other!!!
Wen Jiabao in China town, London
FRANCE: The big news today is the : Chandeleur ! There's a big party about "creps".. i don't know i you have it in UK but it's the 40th days after christmas.... so every february the 2nd. We all eat creps during the day... salty one or with sugar :) normaly it's tomorrow but..... what a chance to begin a day before :) MIAM
here's the one i made for lunch... i love whipped cream ^^ nathalie, paris

How good does that look?
2.39PM: While you were emailing in the news where you are, we were in the dressing room, where the whole band is currently chilling out, checking their emails and chattering among themselves. As they do so, they look a bit like this...

2.33PM: Here is the news...
AMERICA: Today is the Super Bowl (Football) here in the US. Steelers against Cardinals! Neither are my teams, so whoever wins, I don't care! Missy
ESTONIA: In Estonia, we had this winter's cold record: -24,7C. Streets outside are pretty empty, I wonder why... Dorr
SWEDEN: We got third in a rehersal for world championship in skiing :) Beatrice
SPAIN: The news of the day in Spain is of course a victory for Nadal, but not like I see Federer crying. Ines
HOLLAND: The biggest news in Holland (in the city of Gouda) is that it has been freezing for a couple of days now, so after several years it is possible to skate on natural ice! Wouter
CANADA: It is -4 degrees in Sarnia, Ontario. Very bright sunshine, and still about a foot of snow.
Current news? Not much happens around here... people are still talking about last year's power outage that was caused by a squirrel that "chewed through a hydro wire and blewed himself up real good." Long live small towns.... SarahV
BELGIUM: I just moved into my very first flat. Catherine84
ARGENTINA: Big news where I live, is that it is raining (and i looove it), and that my brother will not be home for the next 4 hours so i'll get to be online with YOU! haha!!! Entre Rios
Meanwhile, lots of people are emailing in from the queue outside (and from nearby Derby) to say that it is very VERY cold and the snow is beginning to settle. Maybe you should all hug?
2.17PM: This is a picture from the very back of the Arena (which, truth be told, smells a little bit like old socks). It's gonna be ace when it's full.

2.12PM: Right, we're off to take some pictures of the venue. In the meantime, please could you email us at ontour@keanemusic.com telling us what the big news is today wherever you live.
2.10PM: This is how lunch is looking. We wolfed ours down a bit too quickly between our first two posts today. Those prawns in batter that are halfway along the table were a particular treat. That's Sideshow Bob getting his lunch. "He's the backline crew chief and guitar tech," says Colin, who just got back to the tour manager's office (before promptly leaving again).

2.08PM: "In Buenos Aires is a clean and beautiful day. Not cold, because we still in summer, but the climate is mild at the moment," says Uma in Argentina, who sounds like a career in weather presenting beckons.
2.05PM : Happy birthday to Hannah Banana who's emailed ontour@keanemusic.com to say that it's her 18th birthday today. Many happy returns. She also says that it's snowing where she is (near Brighton). We're also told it's snowing in France, Holland and Spain (where everyone is excited that Nadal just won the Australian Open).Has anyone got any sunshine?
2.00PM: This is the corridor which we're all housed in. Catering is down there on the left - that's Frank the chef standing in the middle of the corridor - while the right side of the corridor is home to the dressing room (where Richard is), the friends and family room (where Beth's set up her desk today) and the tour manager's office (where we're with sitting with tour manager Colin).

Looks glamourous, doesn't it?
1.57PM: Here's Richard, in the dressing room making himself a coffee with the posh coffee maker he bought to bring on tour (you'll notice it's sitting in a proper flight case, which Beth sorted). He seems to be very chipper, and says last night's gig in Manchester was one of the best of the tour so far.

1.35PM - Hello! Yes, we've just arrived at the Nottingham Arena. It's very, very cold outside (and there's a wee bit of snow in the air) so wrap up warm if you're coming along today. For those of you not in the Nottingham vicinity, feel free to keep us company / ask any questions / send anything interesting to ontour@keanemusic.com. Right, we're off to take some pictures...